Past events in 2012:
'Epic Storytelling in Amari' from the English edition of the national newspaper Kathimerini
"Η Ιλιάδα στο Ρέθυμνο",74633,0,0,1,0
Άρθρο στην 'Αμαριώτικη Φωνή'
Η Στέλλα Κασιμάτη μίλησε στην εκπομπή της Γκίζας στο ΣΚΑΪ 100,3 στις 4 Μαρτίου 2012 (η συνέντευξη της Στέλλας από το 17:40 και μετά).
A Christmas Carroll told by Ashley Ramsden on 21 December 2012 at Woodcote, Forest Row, UK at 7.30pm. By invitation only. All proceeds go towards the special fund created for the 2nd Storytelling Festival in Amari 2013.
27/10-2/11 The Odyssey with Hugh Lupton and Daniel Morden
16-23 July Speaking to the stars with Roi Gal-Or and Stella Kassimati
Ο κήπος του Αλή Βαφή
Friends of Amari
Invite you to a Storytelling performance of
told by Hugh Lupton and Daniel Morden
The story of the siege and fall of Troy is as contemporary now as it has ever been. It has fascinated audiences for three thousand years. This performance includes many famous episodes half-familiar to us all: the wrangle over the Apple of Discord; the abduction of Helen; the launching of a thousand ships; the wrath of Achilles; the death of Hector....
Ο κήπος του Αλή Βαφή και οι “Φίλοι του Αμαρίου”
Σας προσκαλούν στην αφήγηση στα Αγγλικά της ΙΛΙΑΔΑΣ
από τους Hugh Lupton και Daniel Morden
Η ιστορία της πολιορκίας της Τροίας είναι επίκαιρη τώρα, όσο και πάντα, και συνεπαίρνει τους θεατές εδώ και τρεις χιλιάδες χρόνια. Αυτή η παράσταση περιλαμβάνει πολλά γνωστά επεισόδια όπως: Το μήλο της Έριδος, Η αρπαγή της Ωραίας Ελένης, Η εκστρατεία των χιλίων πλοίων, Η οργή του Αχιλλέα, Ο Θάνατος του Έκτορα ....
Είσοδος ελεύθερη. Free entrance
Daniel Morden and Hugh Lupton have performed in venues from Norway to New York and throughout the UK, including The Barbican Centre, The Royal National Theatre and The British Museum.
In 2006 Hugh and Daniel received the Classical Association Award for ‘the most significant contribution to the public understanding of the Classics’.
The Times described their performances as follows:
“A performance that is moving, passionate and vital… Praise be to Morden and Lupton who made the Gods live… They took The Odyssey and The Iliad back to their roots and into the 21st century”
Friends of Amari invite you to a special storytelling evening with Michael Harvey and be transported to the places of the little folk, gallumphing hairy giants and powerful words that can break chains. Michael tells traditional stories with verve, passion, humour, and a deceptively light touch. He will tell us stories from Wales including Taliesin, one of the great tales of transformation and inspiration.
On Monday 11 June 2012
at 7.30pm
at The Baptist Church, Hartfield Road, Forest Row, RH18 5DX
Tickets £10/£6 conc. including juice/tea and baklava
9-16 July, "Speaking to the Stars", 8day residential course in Amari
27 August - 3 September, "Taking up the Threads", 8day residential course in Amari culminating in building a cobble Labyrinth
27 October - 2 September, "The Odyssey", 7day residential course in Amari including a performance of "The Iliad" by Hugh Lupton and Daniel Morden
24 March 2012, "Into the Labyrinth" Fundraising evening , to build a Labyrinth in Amari.
Cretan Feast with food, wine, stories, music and Greek dancing in Forest Row, UK.
Stories told by Sue Hollingsworth and Ashley Ramsden. Music by Anastasis Sarakatsanos.
In the small Village Hall of Forest Row, RH18 5ES
Starts at 7.30pm and ends at 11pm.
Suitable for 12+
Come and revel in Cretan warmth & hospitality
Book early – spaces limited
Tickets: £20 per person, £36 fortwo, which includes a delicious home cooked (by our members) 3 course Greek meal, a welcome drink, stories and music.
Bar available.
Past events in 2011:
«Είναι η πρώτη φορά που νοιώθω ότι όλοι συμμετέχουμε και ότι γίνεται κάτι που μας αφορά και μας αγγίζει. Να 'στε καλά και να μας ξανάρθετε» είπε ο κύριος Ηλίας από τον Μέρωνα. Με αντίστοιχα λόγια ευχαρίστησαν κι' άλλοι άνθρωποι σε όλα τα χωριά του Αμαρίου.
Η 1η Γιορτή Ιστοριών, Μύθων και Παραμυθιών που ξεκίνησε στο Φουρφουρά και μετά ταξίδεψε στην Πατσό, Γερακάρι, Αγ. Ιωάννη, Αποστόλους, Μέρωνα, Βισταγή, και Άνω Μέρος, έκλεισε με μεγάλη επιτυχία στο Νεφς Αμάρι, παρουσία του δημάρχου Αμαρίου, κ. Στέφανου Σημαντήρα.
Συνολικά στη Γιορτή συμμετείχαν περίπου 1100 άτομα, μικροί και μεγάλοι, τόσο στις εκδηλώσεις όσο και στα σεμινάρια που πραγματοποιήθηκαν.
Η Γιορτή ξεκίνησε με χαιρετισμό της κ. Στέλλα Κασιμάτη, προέδρου του Συλλόγου «Φίλοι του Αμαρίου». Ευχαρίστησε όλους τους συντελεστές της Γιορτής και είπε μεταξύ άλλων: «Ιστορίες και παραμύθια υπάρχουν παντού. Τα ακούμε, τα διαβάζουμε και τα διηγούμαστε. Λέμε ιστορίες για να ενθαρρύνουμε κάποιον, να μοιραστούμε εμπειρίες, να καταλάβουμε τον κόσμο γύρο μας αλλά και να διασκεδάσουμε την οικογένεια μας και τους φίλους μας. Απ' όλα τα πλάσματα του Θεού, μόνο ο άνθρωπος επικοινωνεί με αυτό τον τρόπο. Η ικανότητά μας να μεταδώσουμε όχι μόνο τη δική μας εμπειρία αλλά και την εμπειρία των άλλων, μας βοηθάει να ξεπεράσουμε τον εαυτό μας και να δούμε πιο πλατιά τον κόσμο. Και αν προσθέσουμε και τις ιστορίες και τα παραμύθια από όλο τον κόσμο, τότε μπορούμε να αγγίξουμε αυτό που είναι κοινό στην ανθρώπινη ψυχή και να το μοιραστούμε. Καταλαβαίνουμε λοιπόν πόσο σημαντικό είναι το παραμύθι, ο μύθος, η παραβολή, ο θρύλος και γενικά η ιστορία. Λέμε και ακούμε της ίδιες ιστορίες εδώ και 3-4 χιλιάδες χρόνια!» και συνέχισε:
«Η αφήγηση ενός παραμυθιού είναι σαν κινηματογράφος της ψυχής. Ο αφηγητής εξαφανίζεται και ο ακροατής βλέπει την ιστορία να ξετυλίγεται με το μάτι της φαντασίας του. Όλοι ακούμε την ίδια ιστορία αλλά καθένας βλέπει τη δική του, ατομική εκδοχή της. Ο αφηγητής περιγράφει τα γεγονότα, δίνει μόνο ό,τι χρειάζεται για να μπορεί αυτός που ακούει την ιστορία, να φαντάζεται συμμετέχοντας διαρκώς, να είναι μέσα στην ιστορία και να τη ζει μαζί με τους ήρωες της. Αυτή είναι η μαγεία και μοναδικότητα της τέχνης της αφήγησης».
Την εκδήλωση χαιρέτησε και ο Υφυπουργός Προστασίας του Πολίτη, κ. Μανώλης Όθωνας με επιστολή του. «Πραγματικά αξίζουν συγχαρητήρια στο Σύλλογο «Φίλοι του Αμαρίου» για την πρωτοβουλία του να δημιουργήσει ένα νέο θεσμό ο οποίος θα βοηθήσει στο να γίνουν περαιτέρω γνωστά τα χωριά του Αμαρίου και να αποτελέσει πόλο έλξης επισκεπτών σε ολόκληρο το Δήμο. Συγχαρητήρια αξίζουν επίσης στο Δήμο Αμαρίου και στη «Γερακάρι Λαμασάτ» που με την βοήθειά τους πραγματοποιούνται αυτές οι εκδηλώσεις» είναι λίγα από τα λόγια της επιστολής.
Επίσης, τη Γιορτή χαιρέτησε, εκ μέρους του Δήμου Αμαρίου, ο αντιδήμαρχος κ. Νίκος Αλεξάκης.
Ο Σύλλογος «Φίλοι του Αμαρίου» θέλει να ευχαριστήσει το Δήμαρχο Αμαρίου, κ. Στέφανο Σημαντήρα, όλο το Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο, καθώς και το χορηγό της Γιορτής, κ. Γιάννη Γενεράλη της «Γερακάρι Λαμασάτ Α.Ε.» για την οικονομική και ηθική συμπαράστασή τους. Χωρίς την αμέριστη υποστήριξή τους, αυτή η γιορτή δε θα μπορούσε να πραγματοποιηθεί. Θέλει επίσης να ευχαριστήσει τους Πολιτιστικούς Συλλόγους των χωριών που έγιναν οι εκδηλώσεις, οι οποίοι στήριξαν ολόψυχα τη Γιορτή, καθώς και τους αφηγητές και μουσικούς που συμμετείχαν. Πάνω απ' όλα όμως θέλει να ευχαριστήσει τον κόσμο που ήρθε, αγκάλιασε την πρωτοβουλία αυτή και συμμετείχε με τόσο ενθουσιασμό και ευαισθησία. Σε όλους αυτούς τους συντελεστές οφείλεται η πέρα από κάθε προσδοκία επιτυχία της 1η Γιορτής Ιστοριών, Μύθων και Παραμυθιών στο Αμάρι.
1-8 June, "Mixing the Muses: Storytelling for today" an 8day residential course in Amari with Michael Harvey
24-31 July, "It's all Greek to me" an 8day residential course in Amari with Katerina Vlachou
30 July - 5 August, 1st Story Feast in Amari, "The Paths of Love"
8 - 10 August, 1st Story Feast in Sitia, "The Paths of Love"
Weekend in November with Katerina Vlachou for Greek speaking participants
19 November 2011, Fundraising storytelling evening "Island Nights" in Forest Row, UK
20 November 2011, 5th Annual General Meeting of Friends of Amari
Past events in 2010-
27th March, A Storytelling, fundraising extravaganza! After popular demand we are hosting an evening of delicious Greek food and wonderful stories: "Honey and Thyme".
Come and revel in Cretan warmth and hospitality on Saturday 27th March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall of Forest Row, East Sussex.
Stories told by Ashley Ramsden, Sue Hollingsworth, Madeleine Grove, Annette Armstrong, Ben Fairlight Edwards and Stella Kassimati.
Book before 13/03: tickets £20 per person or £36 for two. After 13/03: tickets £22 per person or £40 for two. Tickets include a delicious Greek meal, a welcome drink and many, many stories.
Bar available.
To book please email
19 July, "Kea and Crete embrace storytelling" a day dedicated to Friends of Amari during the 8th Storytelling Festival in Tzia 17-25/07/2010
4-9 April, "Mixing the Muses: Storytelling for Today" with Michael Harvey in Amari
13-20 August, "A Gathering of Friends" in Amari, for members only
27August - 3 September, "Dionysian Week" with Stella Kassimati and Heleni Achilleos in Amari
24-30 October, "Myths and Music" with Hugh Lupton and Ross Daly in Amari
Friends of Amari August 2010:
As a new ‘Friend of Amari', it was the first time I visited Greece, Crete and Stella's village Amari. I had heard much about it and really looked forward to experience the village life.
I already had such adventures travelling on my own over land and seas (with my bike) from East Sussex in the UK to Amari in Crete, that I started to wonder if I actually wanted to arrive...
But as always: travelling is more interesting when one has a goal.
Every time I met people in France, Switzerland, Italy and Greece, they asked "And where are you heading?" I answered: ‘I am on my way to visit Stella, who is fundraising for Amari, her mountain village in Crete'.
"All the way to Crete like that?" they wondered, looking at me and my bike with four panniers, a tent + mattress and a computer in a backpack on my back.
"How long will it take you?"
"As long as it takes" was my standard answer.
They thought they had a middle-aged fool in front of them. But I know: slowly does it and the fun and excitement of life is always hidden in the little things, which one experiences loads of when travelling with care.
And when I finally did arrive and found myself between old olive trees, in the clean air, with friendly people and sheep with bells, tinkling in the distance, I saw the evening sun glowing pink on the mountains, drank wine from Manoli's vineyard, ate food from the vegetable patch, attended the Church service with special bread offerings and heard the local stories told by Stella in Pan's Cave, high up in the mountains and in Herme's Gorge deep, down below.
The days were hot, the mornings fresh and the evenings long, but always there was a soft breeze reminding me I was in a mountain valley.
The valley of Amari...
From the visits to local people's houses to the lunch in the shade of the walnut trees in front of the Estia Amariou where many local people attended and we connected through Stella, to the shaking of the Pomegranate tree to see if the fruits would be ripe already, to the hot stones on the beach, to the cleverly carved walking sticks of the elderly, to the kids playing hide and seek around the school on the village square, to the local music made in the Taverna's, to the picking of the grapes for wine in years to come, to the water running from the fountain, it was all fantastic.
And as with most things in life:
It is just how you look at it: everybody looks for- and experiences different elements, but some are universal: to be greeted in a ‘warm' way, to be fed good, healthy food, to be allowed to share in a community and to feel welcome by all, will always be the best feeling!
Thank you Stella and thank you Amari!
PS. Yes, I did drink from the village fountain, which promises one will be back and whoever else visits Amari: please make use of my mountain bike + pannier that I left behind!
Suzanne Hillen
Past events in 2009:
16 January: 2nd Annual General meeting in Forest Row, UK
31 January: Storytelling fundraising Evening in Forest Row
20-22 February: Storytelling workshop for women in Rethymno
16 May: Fundraising evening with music and dancing in Forest Row
19 June at 8pm: "I heard through the Grapevine" fundraising storytelling evening in Ruskin Mill, Gloucestershire
Storytellers Roi Gal Or, Fiona Eadie, Louise Krdafchik and Stella Kassimati invite you to relish a weaving together of stories of Crete and of community.
13-21 July: "Bring your Stories to Life - Biographical Storytelling" week in Amari
22nd November: 3rd Annual General Meeting in Forest Row UK
2nd December: "Going Home" Stella Kassimati tells the story of her ancestors accompanied by musicians Anastasti Sarakatsanos and Maria Papadogianni in the Forest Row Community Centre. The evening is hosted by the Ashdown Forest Storytelling club. Starts at 7.30pm
17th December: Κεντρικό Κτήριο Μ.Ε.Λ.Τ / Ώρα 19:30 με 21:30
Η εναρκτήρια εκδήλωση είναι αφιερωμένη σε όσους επιθυμούν να αφηγηθούν βιωματικές ιστορίες από τα χρόνια που ξεκινούν οι μνήμες του καθενός μας έως την εποχή μας. Αφήγηση- Συντονισμός Γιώργος Ευγενικός.
Α' Μέρος "Επιστροφή στις Ρίζες". Μια αληθινή ιστορία αγάπης και τόλμης του Γιάνναρη και της Χαριτίνης, από το χωριό Αμάρι, με φόντο τον Ψηλορείτη των μύθων και των θρύλων / Έκτακτη συμμετοχή: Στέλλα Κασιμάτη, αφηγήτρια (Σύλλογος "Φίλoι του Αμαρίου") Μουσική: Αναστάσης Σαρακατσάνος.
Past events in 2008:
28-30 March: "Introduction to Storytelling" weekend workshop in Rethymno
12 April: Fundraising Storytelling evening in Forest Row, UK
13-21 August: "Bring your stories to life-Biographical Storytelling" week in Amari
27 August - 3 September: "Dionysian week with the Gods" week in Amari
Fundraising Events-
15th May 2013, METAMORPHOSES told by Hugh Lupton and Daniel Morden
Friends of Amari invite you to a fundraising storytelling performance METAMORPHOSES with Hugh Lupton and Daniel Morden on Wednesday 15 May 2013 at 7.30pm at The Study Society, Colet House, 151 Talgarth Road, London W14 9DA.
DANIEL MORDEN and HUGH LUPTON draw on Ovid to tell wonderful tales of transformation. Many of the most popular stories from the Classical world feature in the performance, such as Arachne, Orpheus in the Underworld, Echo and Narcissus and Demeter and Persephone.
Ovid's Metamorphoses has enchanted audiences and inspired artists for over two thousand years. Morden and Lupton's moving retellings enable them to charm and chill us today.
'The tale...stopped all of our hearts, however hardened by age' THE GUARDIAN
Tickets £12/£10 conc. BAR Available
Suitable for anyone over 10. Commissioned by Hay Festival
to book:
Friends of Amari invite you to a special storytelling evening with MICHAEL HARVEY and be transported to the places of the little folk, gallumphing hairy giants and powerful words that can break chains. Michael tells traditional stories with verve, passion, humour, and a deceptively light touch. He will tell us stories from Wales including Taliesin, one of the great tales of transformation and inspiration.
On Monday 11 June 2012
at 7.30pm
at The Baptist Church, Hartfield Road, Forest Row, RH18 5DX
Tickets £10/£6 conc. including juice/tea and baklava
Friends of Amari invite you to an evening of Cretan Folktales "Island Nights" at 8.00pm on Saturday 19th November 2011 in the Main Hall of the Forest Row Community Centre, Hartfield Road, RH18 5DZ.
Stella Kassimati and Geoff Mead will tell some favourite Cretan folktales as recently performed at the Scottish International Storytelling Festival 21-30/10/2011.
Tickets: £10/£8 including Cretan herb tea and home-made baklava
To book, please email
Tickets will also be available at the door.
Friends of Amari invite you to a PARTY, a celebration of Life, "I wanna live", on Saturday 16th May from 7.30pm till 11.00pm in the Forest Row Village Hall. An evening of food, wine and dancing to the "Funkee Junkee" band. Music of 70's and 80's featuring Gary Wright, Steve Harvey and Andy Evans.
Tickets:£10 for one person, £15 for two people and £20 for three. So take your friends and family and come along! Ticket includes entrance and one drink.
Food and bar available.
To book please email:
Friends of Amari invite you to a Storytelling evening "I heard it through the Grapevine" in Ruskin Mill, Old Bristol Road, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire GL6 0LA,
Storytellers: Roi Gal Or, Fiona Eadie, Louise Krafchik and Stella Kassimati
Friends of Amari invite you to a Storytelling evening "Night of the Goddess" on Saturday 31st January 2009 at 7.30pm in Hambro Hall, Community Centre, Forest Row, RH18 5DZ, for an evening with delicious Greek snacks, stories and heavenly music.
Storytellers are Madeleine Grove, Heleni Achilleos, Annette Armstrong and Stella Kassimati.
Music by Gregers Brinch
Tickets: £ 12 per person/£ 20 per couple, includes snacks (mezedes), stories and music
To book please email:
We have lived wonderful weeks in Amari:
2018: Celebrating our 10th anniversary!
29 March - 4 April 2018 - Just being in Amari with Stella Kassimati and Glenys Newton
26 April - 2 May 2018 - A Nordic ALBA Gathering
28 July - 4 August 2018 - Speaking to the Stars with Roi Gal-Or and Stella Kassimati
22 - 26 August 2018 - Charm Offensive with Hannah MacDowall, Dawn Ellis and Mia Verbeleen
21 - 28 Septmeber 2018 - The Dreaming of the Night Sky with Hugh Lupton and Daniel Morden
4 - 10 October 2018 - The Swan Queen and the Archer of Fire with Martin Shaw, School of Myth
23 April - 13 May 2017 - Personal Storytelling Intensive with Sue Hollingsworth and Stella Kassimati
2 - 7 May 2016 - Καβάλα στην Μεγάλη Αρκούδα with Sue Hollingsworth and Stella Kassimati
13 - 19 October 2016 - The Soul's High Adventure with Martin Shaw, School of Myth
15-18 July 2015 - Brainstorming ideas for the future of Friends of Amari
4 - 11 August 2015 - Speaking to the Stars with Roi Gal-Or and Stella Kassimati
8-15 May 2014 - Speaking to the Stars with Roi Gal-Or and Stella Kassimati
23 July - 4 August 2014 - Art Exhibition Tour in the Amari Valley
18-25 July 2013 - Speaking to the Stars with Roi Gal-Or and Stella Kassimati
16-23 July, 2012 - Speaking to the Stars with Roi Gal-Or and Stella Kassimati
27 October - 2 November, 2012 - The Odyssey with Hugh Lupton and Daniel Morden
1-8 June, 2011 - Mixing the Muses with Michael Harvey
30 July - 5 August, 2011 - 1st Story Feast
13-20 August, 2010 - Gathering of Friends
24-30 October, 2010 - Myth and Music with Hugh Lupton and Ross Daily
13-21 July, 2009 - Bring your Stories to LIfe - Biographical Storytelling
13 - 21 August, 2008 - Bring your Stories to Life - Biographical Storytelling
27 Aug - 3 Sept, 2008 - The Dionysian Week with the Gods
28 Aug - 4 Sept, 2006 - Pioneering Week